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Principal Investigator

Alshakim Nelson is an Associate Professor in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Washington. He received his PhD in organic chemistry from the University of California, Los Angeles in 2004, where he worked with Sir J. Fraser Stoddart on carbohydrate-containing polymers and macrocycles. He was then an NIH postdoctoral fellow at the California Institute of Technology working for Professor Robert Grubbs on olefin metathesis catalysts for the formation of supramolecular ensembles. Dr. Nelson joined IBM Almaden Research Center in 2005 as a Research Staff Member where he focused on the synthesis of nanomaterial building blocks that enabled large area nanomanufacturing via self-assembly. In 2015, Dr. Nelson joined the faculty at the UW, where his research group focuses on the synthesis, characterization, and processing of stimuli-responsive hydrogels for 3D printing. Dr. Nelson has over 40 publications and 11 issued patents. His honors and awards include recognition as an IBM Master Inventor, ACS PMSE Young Investigator, Kavli Foundation Fellow, NSF CAREER award, and 3M Non-Tenured Faculty Award. 

Post-Doctoral Fellow



Naroa Sadaba was born in Spain.  She obtained her technical certificate in Industrial Chemical Engineering, as well as her Bachelor's degree in Materials Engineering from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). She then completed her Master's degree in Advanced Materials Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering of Bilbao. In 2021 she obtained her international PhD in Materials Engineering and Sustainable Processes through the development of polylactide-based composites for 3D printing with improved properties, radiopacity and biologically active composites for the fabrication of medical devices under the supervision of Dr. Ester Zuza and Dr. Jone Muñoz.  In 2021 she was awarded a Margarita Salas Fellowship, and is currently at the University of Washington in Seattle, conducting a 3D printing hydrogels project in Dr. Nelson's lab under the direction of Dr. Haritz Sardon. Outside of the lab, she enjoys traveling and reading.



Cem Millik was born in Ankara, Turkey and was raised in the United States. He has a BS in biochemistry and a PhD in Chemistry from the University of Washington. Cem’s research interests center on interfaces between life sciences and synthetic materials and continues his work in the Nelson Laboratory focusing on the exploration of stimuli-responsive hydrogels and their applications in 3D printing, 3D cell culture, and as soft biomaterials. Cem’s hobbies include woodworking, metalworking, skiing, and diving. See the highlights page to hear Cem Millik talk about his research.

Graduate Students


Antonio (Toni) Vazquez is from Santa Rosa, CA. He received his BS in Chemistry from UC Davis, where he worked on low-valent organometallic complexes with Dr. Phil Power. In the Nelson lab, he focuses on the synthesis of ionogels with the goal of incorporating metal complexes in the polymer network. In his free time, Tony enjoys doing art, reading, hammocking, or some nerdy stuff (long list).


Siwei Yu is from Shanghai, China. She received a BA in Chemistry from UC Santa Barbara, where she worked on ESI and AFM under the supervision of Dr. deVries. In Nelson's Lab, she focuses on designing and synthesizing hyperbranched poly(glycerols)s (HPGs) as components of stereolithography (SLA) 3D printing resins. Outside of the lab, Siwei enjoys baking, playing tennis, and traveling.


Rowina Bell lived in Argentina as a child and moved to California at age 10. She received a BS in Chemistry from UC Santa Barbara, where she worked under Dr. Guillermo Bazan and Javier Read de Alaniz. In Nelson’s lab, she works on the synthesis and characterization of ionic liquid gels. In her free time, Rowina likes to hang out with her dog, go to the beach or the nearest body of water, and watch (bad) tv shows. 

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Ana Paula Kitos Vasconcelos grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area. She received a BS in Chemistry from UC Santa Cruz, where she worked on covalently plasticizing PVC using photoredox-catalyzed ATRP in the lab of Dr. Rebecca Braslau. In the Nelson lab, she focuses on 3D-printed protein-based hydrogels. Outside of the lab, Ana Paula enjoys rock climbing, snowboarding, mycology, and hiking to alpine lakes.

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LeAnn Le is from Mission Viejo, CA. She received her BS in Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Genetics from UCLA. While there, she conducted research with Professor Hong Z. Zhou, utilizing cryo-EM techniques to understand the mechanics of host-viral fusion in Human Cytomegalovirus (HCMV). Additionally, she worked on characterization of Reflectin, a unique cephalopod protein in the Gorodetsky Group at UCI. In the Nelson Lab, she focuses on designing and characterizing 3D-printable Engineered Living Materials (ELMs) with the goal of creating sustainable bio-hybrid materials. Outside of the lab, she enjoys eating good food, reorganizing her Spotify playlists, playing volleyball, and thrifting for cool glassware. 


Shannon Daily is from Leesburg, Virginia. She received her BS in Biochemistry from the United States Air Force Academy and her MS in Chemistry from Purdue University where she worked on biomimetic underwater polymer adhesive systems in Dr. Jon Wilker's lab. In Nelson's lab, Shannon works on preventing cell escape from hydrogels for use in Engineered Living Materials (ELMs). Outside of research, she enjoys cooking/baking, reading, and traveling.

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Kinsey Drake is from Palo Alto, CA. She received her BS in Biochemistry from Tufts University where she worked on analyzing food systems in the labs of Dr. Ben Wolfe and Dr. Charles Mace. In the Nelson lab, she focuses on mechanical improvements to Engineered Living Materials (ELMs). Outside of research, she enjoys teaching Chemistry, knitting, and being outdoors. 


Corvo Tran was born and raised in Danang, Vietnam. He received his BS in Chemistry from Miami University, Ohio, where he worked on chemically-fueled crosslinked hydrogels in Dr. Konkolewicz’s lab. In the Nelson lab, he is interested in exploring the mechanical properties of hydrogels that can be utilized in 3D printing. In his free time, Corvo enjoys reading, playing games, going on hikes and trying new food recipes.

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Eli Jaffe is from Talent, Oregon. He received a B.S. in Chemistry from the University of Oregon, where he synthesized various cycloparaphenylenes (CPP) to explore non-covalent carbon nanotube analogues in Prof. Ramesh Jasti’s lab. After graduating, Eli worked in industry at Cascade Chemistry (now Actylis), where he manufactured pharmaceuticals for phase I and II clinical trials. In the Nelson lab, he is studying shear-thinning hydrogels derived from substituted hyperbranched poly(glycerol) (HPGs). Some of his hobbies include: backyard astronomy and stargazing, reading, and travel.


Motoharu Shoda is from Saitama, Japan. He received his BS and MS in applied chemistry from Waseda University where he worked on oxygen-scavenging unsaturated polymer membranes in Dr. Hiroyuki Nishide's lab. After graduating, he worked in industry at Kureha Corporation, where he developed a new grade of shale oil mining tools consisting of biodegradable polymer. In the Nelson lab, he is searching for new applications of crosslinked polymer gels. Outside of research, he enjoys cooking, playing the piano and traveling.


Meijing Zhang is from Shanghai, China. She received her BS in Chemistry from Virginia Tech, where she studied the use of coenzymes as catalysts in PET-RAFT polymerization under the guidance of Dr. Adrian Figg. In Nelson’s lab, she focuses on protein materials with a comparison to commercial resins in 3D printing. Outside of the lab, she enjoys camping, watching movies, and film photography.


Natwara (Bam) Manitsirisuk is from Bangkok, Thailand. She received her B.S. in applied chemistry from Chulalongkorn University, where she worked on improving the hydrophilicity of poly(lactic acid) through the grafting of diacid compounds in Dr. Varawut Tangpasuthadol’s lab. In the Nelson lab, she focuses on enhancing the processability of protein materials while preserving the desired mechanical properties. Outside of the lab, she enjoys singing/playing guitar, reading, and playing video games.


Jing-Yi (Jennifer) Zhou grew up in Suzhou, China. She received her B.S. in Chemistry from Carnegie Mellon University, where she worked on Functional Graphenic Materials with cell-instructive applications under Dr. Stefanie Sydlik, focusing largely on calcium phosphate graphene scaffolds as potential bone implants. In the Nelson Lab, she will focus her research on Engineered Living Materials. Outside of the lab, she enjoys cooking and eating good food, doing pottery, thrifting, and watching movies.


Amy Harris grew up north of Seattle. She received her BS in Chemistry from the University of Washington, where she worked on selenium-mediated allylic amination in the lab of Prof. Forrest Michael. After graduating, she worked as a Scientific Instructional Technician for UW’s department of Chemistry, providing support for their organic lab courses. In the Nelson lab, she is interested in the development of applications for, and synthesis of hyperbranced poly(glycerol)s (HPGs). In her free time, she enjoys knitting, the Seattle music scene, history and drawing. 

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Victor Jonathan is form Lagos, Nigeria. He received his BS in Biochemistry from the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, where he worked on Capsaicin extract inhibition of Monoamine oxidase in wistar rat brain with Dr. Ogunruku. He received his MS in Chemistry from Tennessee Technological university, where he worked on total synthesis of Hamigeromycin B with Dr. Jesse Carrick. In the Nelson Lab, He focuses on the synthesis & applications of cross-linked polymer gels and ionic liquid gels with improved mechanical properties. In his free time, Victor enjoys soccer, and tennis. 

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Jimin Jung grew up in South Korea and moved to Guam with her family at the age of 14. She earned her BS in Chemical Biology from the University of British Columbia (UBC), where she conducted her senior thesis on late-stage sulfur-imination methods to access sulfilimine and sulfoximine scaffolds in Dr. Perrin’s lab. Additionally, she studied the use of protein inhibitors for anti-aging applications at UBC. In the Nelson lab, Jimin focuses on 3D printing bioplastics/hydrogels. In her free time, she enjoys scuba diving, painting, watching movies, reading, and sleeping.

Undergraduate Students

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Angus Berg was born and raised around Seattle, Washington. He is currently completing a B.S. in Chemistry at the University of Washington and hopes to pursue a Ph.D. after graduating. His research in the Nelson lab focuses on the synthesis of polymers and the development of novel 3D printed systems. Outside of the lab he enjoys live music, reading, video games, and doing work around the house.

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Sahana Sateesh was born in Washington and grew up in Hyderabad, India. She is currently doing a B.S. in Bioengineering, with a specialization in Nano and Molecular Engineering, at the University of Washington. She hopes to pursue a PhD in grad school. In the Nelson Lab, her research involves stimuli-responsive materials and their applications in 3D printing. Outside of the Lab, she enjoys drawing and traveling.


Nicole Bentzen was an undergraduate researcher in the lab in 2016.


Cecilia Martin was an undergraduate researcher in the lab from 2015-2017 (B.S. Chemistry and Biochemistry in 2017)


Robert Ono was a Post-Doc in the lab from 2015-2017. He is currently at Nexgenia.


Abhijit Saha was a Post-Doc in the lab from 2016-2018. He is currently at Keva.


Casi Goodman was a research engineer in the lab from 2016-2018. She is currently at Metrix Engineers.


Jacob Fillman was an undergraduate researcher in the lab from 2017-2019. He is now the stockroom manager here at UW Chemistry.


Anuradha Seshan was an undergraduate researcher in the lab from 2017-2019. She is currently at Relypsa.


Max Wende was a visiting scholar from Germany in 2019. He is now at Fraunhofer IVV.


Naroa Sadaba was a visiting scholar from Spain in 2019. She is now back at the University of the Basque Country. 


Trevor Johnston was a graduate student in the lab from 2015-2020. He is currently at Just Biotherapeutics.


Taylor Wright was a visiting scholar from Canada in 2020. He is now back at the University of British Columbia. 


Dylan Karis was a graduate student in the lab from 2015-2020. He is currently at Airable Research Labs.


Amrita Basu was a graduate student in the lab from 2015-2020. She is currently at  UbiQD.


Jordan Furseth was an undergraduate student in the lab. She is in the Master's program at UW Materials Science and Engineering.


Zoel Parent was an undergraduate student in the lab from 2019-2020.


Ryan Shafranek was a graduate student in the lab from 2015-2020. He is pursuing his work in postdoc position at Xiaosong Li Lab, UW.


Vy Le was a graduate student in the lab from 2020-2021. She is currently at  Logiclnk.


Claudia Willis was a graduate student in the lab from 2018-2021. 


Christopher Fellin was a graduate student in the lab from 2016-2021. He is currently at Henkel.


Patrick Smith was a graduate student in the lab from 2016-2021. He is currently at Cabot.


Luis Morales was a visiting summer student from CSULA in 2021. He is now back at the CSULA.


Benjaporn (Fang) Narupai was a Post-Doc in the lab from 2019-2021. She is currently in Chulalongkorn University, Thailand in the Chemistry Department as a faculty member. 


Pukjira (Torie) Chaemchuea was a visiting student from Chulalongkorn University, Thailand in Fall 2021. She is now back at Chulalongkorn University. 


Tanat (Tan) Rungsrithong was a visiting student from Chulalongkorn University, Thailand in Fall 2021. He is now back at Chulalongkorn University. 


Cameron Sietz was an undergraduate student in the lab from 2020-2022. He is currently working at Partner Therapeutics as a manufacturing technician in the purification department.


Eva Sanchez Rexach was a Post-Doc in the lab from 2019-2022. She is currently a researcher in Advanced Materials Engineering at General Atomics in San Diego, under the Intertial Fusion Technology division. 


Henrique Sepulveda Del Rio Hamacek was a visiting student from Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia in Fall 2022. He is now back to the Tallinn University of Technology.


Jitkanya (Jenn) Wong was a graduate student in the lab from 2017-2022. She is currently a process engineer for NoiseFigure Research at Meta Reality Labs. 


Xabi Lopez De Pariza was a visiting student from POLYMAT Institute, University of the Basque Country between Fall 2022-Witner 2023. He is now back at the University of the Basque Country


Nathan Ballinger was an undergraduate student in the lab from 2021-2023. He is currently a PhD student in the Department of Chemistry at CalTech.


Allison Rattay was a MONET REU research fellow during the summer of 2023. She is currently an undergraduate student at Ohio State University. 


Julian Smith-Jones was a graduate student in the lab from 2017-2023. He is currently a materials engineer at Meta.


Gokce Altin-Yavuzarslan was a graduate student in the lab from 2018-2024. She is currently a postdoc at Northeastern University.


Eng Kwa was an undergraduate student in the lab from 2022-2024. He is currently applying to med school.


Sneha Sil was an undergraduate student in the lab from 2023-2024. She is currently in a graduate program at Northwestern University.


Chelsea Sainsbury was a graduate student in the lab from 2021-2024. She is currently a chemist at the Washington State Department of Health.


Department of Chemistry

University of Washington

Seattle, WA 98195

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