Here are some highlights from the years 2016-2018: [2016]
- Robert Ono and Cece Martin arrived in the Fall to get the lab up and running. In January, we welcomed Amrita Basu, Trevor Johnston, Dylan Karis, Ahbijit Saha, and Ryan Shafranek
[2017] - Welcomed Chris Fellin and Patrick Smith to the group
- Congrats and best of luck to Rob Ono as he starts his new position at Nexgenia
- Cece was a recipient of the Mary Gates Research Fellowship and Robinson Scholarship
- Dylan Karis published an article in the Royal Society of Chemistry
- Article in the Economist featured work from our very own Abhijit Saha and Trevor Johnston
- Amrita Basu published in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
- Jacob Fillman was announced as a winner of the UW Chemistry Scholarship and Book Award - Welcomed Jenn Wong to the group
- Congratulations Amrita Basu & Patrick Smith on their published manuscript in Polymer (UK)
- Prof. Nelson received 3M Non-Tenured Faculty Award
- Prof. Nelson received NSF Career Award
- Trevor Johnston and Abhijit Saha published in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces